Dr. Anders Engström
Chief Executive Officer, Thermo-Calc Software AB

Dr. Anders Engströmis the Chief Executive Officer of Thermo-Calc Software AB. He has held thisposition since 2010 and has been working at the company since 2001. He is also the Chairmanof the Board of Directors for Thermo-Calc Software Inc. and Chairman of the Board of Directorsfor QuesTek Europe AB, a joint subsidiary of Thermo-Calc Software AB.
Anders received a doctorate in Materials Science and Engineering from KTH Royal Institute ofTechnology in 1996. During his time at KTH, he was involved in the early developmentof keyaspects of Thermo-Calc Software products. He has, for example, contributed to thedevelopment of the Diffusion Module (DICTRA).
Before joining Thermo-Calc Software in 2001, he spent two years (1997-1998) with ABBCorporate Research in Switzerlandand three years (1998-2001) working for Sandvik HardMaterials in Sweden. He has extensive experience in, among other things, Ni-based superalloysand cemented carbides, and is an expert in the CALPHAD (Computer Coupling of PhaseDiagrams and Thermochemistry) methodology.