Dr. Leonid Kahle
Contract Researcher

Leonid Kahle is a research scientist at Materials Design, focusing on bridging time and length scales in materials simulations via mesoscale models and machine learning.
Leonid obtained his PhD at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland in 2019, under the guidance of Nicola Marzari, on the subject of high-throughput searches for new Li-ion electrolytes with density-functional theory approaches. After his PhD, he joined IBM Research Zürich as a PostDoc, working on Natural Language Models and the problem of uncertainty quantification in deep Neural Networks.
He joined Materials Design 2 years ago, and embarked on coupling atomistic simulations with mesoscale continuum models to describe accurately - and from first principles - corrosion phenomena and developing new techniques and applications for machine-learning potentials.